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Fuel Good Day helps feed hungry families

Community Nee

Co-op's support helps us to meet immediate food needs in our community, as well as community connections and learning opportunities that empower those we serve towards their own food security.

Local Co-op Support:

Support from Co-op helps to provide emergency food assistance to nearly 1300 individuals each and every month, half of whom are children. Funding also supports outreach programs, referrals and programming that inspires community members to achieve their own food security through knowledge and skill building, cooking classes and garden programs.

How You Can Help:

Food banks need financial support not only for food purchases, but for operational costs, program supplies, shelving and equipment, transportation, and currently for personal protective equipment and technology upgrades. For more information about how you can become involved with Interfaith Food Bank Society of Lethbridge, visit

Thanks again for your support, we are truly grateful.