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Coming together for our community

Increased need for services coupled with reduced avenues to fundraise, make this a difficult time for many charities. The Envision Financial, a division of First West Credit Union and First West Foundation Community Help Fund was designed to help organizations SHARE stories on how they support our community. The Fund will be donating $500 to help SHARE's fundraising efforts.

Tell us about your charity and how the community can help your organization

SHARE, the largest social services agency serving Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody (the Tri-Cities) and our neighbouring communities, endeavours to connect, engage and strengthen all individuals and families in our region. With an ever growing population, our vision remains steadfast; to provide continued leadership, services and programming in a community that welcomes everyone to live, participate, contribute and reach their full potential.

Our programs and services focus on building inclusive service hubs that wrap around the ever evolving needs of the communities’ we serve. Those needs have certainly be affected by COVID-19. This pandemic has heightened the challenges already experienced by many who rely on our services and it has created a need for support among many additional individuals and families. We are continuing our essential services to the community including our food bank, affordable housing program, and programs for children, seniors, and refugees.

Funding from the community would help make a difference in the immediate service we are providing the community, especially in our Food Bank and our seniors, housing, and family programs. This is a stressful time for members of our community in so many different ways, including job security, food security, child care, mental health and housing security and SHARE wants to continue to be here for our community, as we have been for over 47 years. We remain committed to being part of the solution to assist people in staying connected and well in every way we can. We are very grateful for the community support we have received, which has allowed us to wrap around our our community’s needs during this uncertain time.

As SHARE works to continue our programs and support our community through this difficult time, we have had many community members and clients volunteer to sew masks in order to give back to the community. It is so powerful to see our community come together and support each other. Many of our children clients are also making things to support their community - hearts with messages, writing messages to front line workers on rocks and clapping at 7pm each night. A great reminder that we are all in this together.
