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New Partner Announcement - Well Being Canada!

The first step of WELL~BEING CANADA encompasses access to a national K-12 curriculum, enriched with well-being and mental health support resources in schools and takes shape around core factors:
Educator self-care workshops and professional development that enhance educator mental health and well-being teaching, training from subject matter experts, mental health professionals, and like-minded educators taking initiative on well-being practices in and out of the classroom to help educators feel truly equipped.

Virtual programming and interactive sessions that incorporate key learnings, bringing in subject matter experts, community leaders, and youth speakers involved in well-being initiatives to give a voice to young people.

Evidence-based materials and resources introduce students to personal and social well-being through active learning and discussion about the meaning and importance of well-being through evidence-based materials that meet educational industry standards.

This program remains dynamic, evolving alongside Canada's mental health landscape, and as the program grows and evolves, we hope to empower every Canadian to support their own well-being.