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Inglis School nurturing student learning in the great outdoors

Thank you Twin Valley Co-op for your ongoing support!

Community Nee

Inglis school strives to provide a rich, varied, meaningful way in which to teach students and prepare them for the world. Also, the school hopes to foster a deeper connection between the School and the broader community. By helping Inglis School build and outdoor classroom, Co-op has helped achieve both of those very important goals. The students will be able to learn, while immersed, the lessons that come with gardening, nature, science, and the environment. Community members will have ample opportunities for involvement be it in the planning and building phase of this project to caring for the gardens, to guest teach/speak on subjects not typically taught in the classroom setting. Inglis School is particularly looking forward to this new adventure nurturing students learning in an interesting new way and integrating the wider community on a cariety of levels.

Local Co-op Support:

Co-op has donated $5000 worth of material to our project. It is this local support and voicing of confidence in our idea that has given us a big lift. Co-op has put new energy in our step as we make strides to complete this wonderful project. Specifically, this donation will make it much easier for us to complete this project where a storage shed (for classroom material and gardening tools will be stored) as well as a covered out door classroom structure is required to be built.

How You Can Help:

This project is still in the very early stages and so, much help is still required such as building the outdoor classroom, planting and tending the vegetable garden, establishing a fruit orchard and shelter belts etc. Every little bit of assistance is appreciated and valued. Please contact Inglis School for more information about how you can help or just to share your thoughts and ideas. Thank you!
Call (204) 842-2806