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Urban Bulldogs Against Kids Abuse of Canada
U.B.A.K.A. (Urban Bulldogs Against Kids Abuse) is a non-profit biker organization who advocates against child abuse. Attached to the principle of the fundamental rights of the a...
Extra informationGet involved:
Membership, volunteer, and Junior Bulldog
The choice is yours, to belong to something with a greater purpose than just riding.
A Volunteer is a major part to any organization in many different ways . Event help and coordination, disbursement of information and education of the organization and its causes, and also the additional assistance provided in the support of the cause itself.
A Junior Bulldog is a membership program for kids up to the age of 18.
Urban Bulldogs Against Kids Abuse is a motorcycle organization that have a common interest in the promotion of activities and to maintain support to victims of all kinds of abuse. All our chapters throughout the world share the same compassion to protect the kids and families and provide a barrier between them and the harm that threatens them. We battle this horrible crime of child abuse and continue to be supportive for those who cannot fight for themselves.