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Powell River & District United Way
Powell River & District United Way is a registered charity whose objective is to "Improve lives and build community by engaging individuals and mobilising collective action" We call this our community impact mission.
Extra informationLocally in 2015 we adopted the following vision statement: "focusing our passion and care for the community to achieve meaningful and deliberate local impact."
Children and families in Powell River are struggling. *Almost 1 in 3 kids live in poverty, 35% of children 0-6 are considered 'vulnerable' and 31% of kids ages 6-12 are considered 'low' in well-being. We are hoping to see some of these statistics change. We are prioritising our designated local funds on programs that fit within the pillar "all that kids can be". We believe that everyone can make a difference and invite you to give, in any way you can!
Organizations that we work with
inclusion Powell River Society
Women's Health Network - Powell River
ORCA Bus Powell River
Volunteer Powell River
Volunteer opportunities
Short Film Editor/DirectorPowell RiverFlexible schedule
Help us show the community what our programs are doing!