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BC SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
The BC SPCA is the largest animal welfare organization of its kind in North America and the largest animal sheltering society in the world. We have 43 locations across B.C., inc...
The mission of the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BC SPCA) is to protect and enhance the quality of life for domestic, farm and wild animals in British Columbia.
Businesses and organizations that we work with
Kootenay Savings Credit Union
Mid Island Co-op
Peninsula Co-op
Ethan IT Park
Volunteer opportunities
Animal Care FosterBC SPCA - South Peace, Dawson CreekFlexible schedule
Foster Care volunteers are guardian angels to thousands of BC SPCA animals in need. Can you help?
0 / 10 spots filled
Animal Care FosterPerformed RemotelyFlexible schedule