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Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art
The Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of our creative community.
Since 1989, the Alternator has shown the work of...
Extra informationVolunteering with Alternator allows you to make a contribution to the local arts community, gain practical experience in a professional artist-run centre.
Plus, your contribution of 12 or more hours of volunteer work gets you an Alternator membership for a year, with all the privileges of a full member, including access to the Members’ Gallery!
We seek to foster a Centre, a community, and art practice that is engaged, experimental and collaborative. We recognize that our work takes place in a context, and so we seek to engage with our history and our community, and particularly our presence in unceded Syilx territory. We are a collaborative and community-building centre that develops relationships to share knowledge and ideas.