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20K Sock Day
Extra informationHow can you help?
1. Grab a box
2. Put it in your community space (work, school, apartment etc.) with a 20K Sock Day Poster which can be downloaded from 20KSockDay.com.
3. Let us know how many pairs of socks you collect using our easy reporting system found at 20KSockDay.com
4. Donate the socks to shelter in your community
There are people who say that homelessness can't be helped... To those people we say, Put a Sock In It!
20k Sock Day is an initiative to get new, warm socks donated to shelters across Canada. From the third week of November until the third week of February each year, our Sock Day partners collect socks, which are donated to shelters in their communities to help the over 200,000 Canadians who experience homelessness every year.