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Logo of Revelstoke Credit UnionRevelstoke Credit Union
We are a member-owned financial institution with over 4800 members, and have been providing services to the community of Revelstoke since 1953. We offer a full range of products...
Environmental stewardship
We support the North Columbia Environmental Society, the Cloumbia Basin Environmental Education Network, Revelstoke's Local Food Initiative , and Bear Aware.
We're committed to giving back to the community!
View the Pledge
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110 Second St. West, PO Box 989
Revelstoke, British Columbia
V0E 2S0
View all 2 locations
Causes we care about

Top company causes

  • Arts & Culture

  • Community and Economic Development

  • Sports and Recreation

Organizations our employees volunteer with
Our average annual contributions


Dollars Donated


Hours Logged by Employees


Monetary Equivalent of Hours

Social Mission
We feel strongly about supporting our community, hence our label, "Community Partner". Credit Unions are industry leaders in donations, sponsorships and volunteerism. Revelstoke Credit Union has distributed nearly $6 million to Members and the community over the past 17 years.
Some of the organizations we support
City of Revelstoke - Parks, Recreation & Culture
Stoke Youth Network
Revelstoke Minor Hockey Association (RMHA)
Community Connections (Revelstoke) Society
Revelstoke Bear Aware Society
What People are Saying About Us
Tracy SpannierRevelstoke Early Childhood Development Committee

The tag line for Revelstoke Credit Union is "community partners"; and they truly are! The Revelstoke Early Childhood Development Committee has enjoyed an ongoing partnership with RCU since 2004! Their community wide support of quality children's programs, events and services through involvement with Success by 6 BC, the Community Giving program and through volunteerism is deeply appreciated by our committee members and throughout Revelstoke. In addition, Revelstoke Credit Union has become a key partner in our fall and spring Children's Clothing and Toy Exchange. In addition to a contribution to support the event, RCU volunteers are involved in every aspect of the event from set up to clean up as well as providing information to parents about free government grants to support RESPs and RDSPs. These events have an clear impact for families and reduces expenses for our families. Thank you for your focus on families and community RCU!

Josie McCullochAquaducks

The Aquaducks appreciate the support that Revelstoke Credit Union has been providing our swim team for many years through their sponsorship and other donations. Their community wide support of all youth programming helps to keep a high level of quality for an active and engaged segment of our population. We are also grateful for the time allowed their staff, who are also parents of swimmers, to come out and volunteer with our home meets, making them run smoothly. RCU was also a major contributor to our BC summer swim region's purchase of a timing system and equipment that is utilized extensively throughout the province at twelve meets each year. Thanks to RCU's staff, management, and Board for being such an important Community Partner and keeping our Aquaducks swimming fast.

Stories of our community involvement
We're committed to giving back to the community!
View the Pledge
Use ctrl + wheel to zoom!
110 Second St. West, PO Box 989
Revelstoke, British Columbia
V0E 2S0
View all 2 locations
Causes we care about

Top company causes

  • Arts & Culture

  • Community and Economic Development

  • Sports and Recreation

Organizations our employees volunteer with